Sunday, August 24, 2008


All my good friends know that I'm not the greatest one at returning phone calls. Apparently, I should add to that keeping my blog updated. I really do have the best intentions on doing this more often, but...but... but nothing. There are no excuses. I'm sorry! Have my latest posts all had this introduction? sounds very familiar. I will add more photos and stories soon as Andrew is now in Kindergarten!!!! and Sam is in preschool three days a week till 2pm. I really should find the time to do this now more than during the summer. Remember, NEITHER one of my boys nap anymore, so sitting in front of the computer doesn't usually happen till their bedtime.
These pictures are a bit dated as they were taken back in June. I chose them because in these two pictures, the whole family is represented. Pinch yourself now and realize that this is not a dream. Christa has posted again. Now, it will no longer say that it's been 5 months since I posted on Mandy's site. (That was the catalyst for me doing this. Thanks, friend!)

1 comment:

Amanda Lomonaco said...

Yeah, 5 months was a LONG time with no posts. Glad that my new format that emphasized this encouraged you to finally post again. Great photos!

Thanks for the update!!