Since sometime in November, I've been secretly planning a trip to California to suprise Mandy, my best friend of almost 19 years. With the help of her husband, Mike, I pulled it off. I literally hid in the doorway of her daughter's room and stepped out to suprise her as she walked by. Aside from a confused face and a faint "What the he** are you doing here?", she was pretty much speechless for a good minute while the reality that I had made it cross-country and into her house without her knowing sunk in. We had a great time, albeit a short one as I was only there for 72 hours. A trip to the zoo was a fun afternoon with the Lomonoco family, but made me miss my kiddos even more. Below are some cute photos of her kids Lucas (almost 2) and Emily (4 months). I took so many pictures of her kids because they're so darn cute, and Mike took the one photo of the two of us, but I neglected to get one of him, so I found a picture of someone with a striking resemblence to him.

Back at the homefront, Daddy was on duty all weekend, with Grandma's assistance on school days. The house was in one piece upon my late arrival early Tuesday morning (flight gone in at 12:25 a.m.!!!) and all the toys were accounted for when inventory was done Tuesday afternoon.
Okay, the post is finally done and I'll try to get in the blogging groove again soon. Oh, and my eyes are WONDERFUL!!!!! As you can sort of see in the first photo, I no longer look like I've been crying for an hour and the little bit of redness that appeared after surgery is pretty much gone. Talk to you later and sorry, Mike for the picture, but thanks for helping make this trip a success.
Thanks for making the trip, Christa. What an awesome surprise (at least you could tell I was fully shocked)!
I told my mother-in-law about my reaction and she said to remind her to never surprise me.
What a handsome husband I have, huh. No wonder we make such cute but hairy kids;-).
Miss you, lady.
P.S. The photo of us is a little odd cropped with the white around it. Would it look better uncropped? What a couple of hotties, though;-).
Wow, California sure has changed Mike. How did you ever recognize him when he picked you up at the airport? Did you guys have a hard time convincing the zoo staff to let him leave with you at the end of the day? If you ever come surprise me in WI I'm pretty sure I would have a reaction different from Mandy's!
That picture is of someone way handsomer (although a little harrier) than me. But thanks for the compliment!
It was great to see you and I'm glad we were able to keep it quiet before hand.
Sounds like a fun trip. That is a pretty cool thing to do. Cute kids there too... oh, and that is a GREAT pictured of Demel at the bottom. He almost looks human!
So bored with this blog already;-). How are your kiddos doing (Andrew). Much, much better I hope and pray.
Miss YOU!!!
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